Brazil Night - Brazilian Feijoada (Beans, Pork & Spices)

From original website: “Feijoada” means “bean” in Portuguese and is considered the traditional national dish of Brazil. It is a delightfully tasty blend of black beans, pork and spices in proportion to taste. This “bean potpourri” was originally created by early slaves from “discarded pig parts” such as snouts, ears, feet and tails. Today, Feijoada combines more palatable pork delicacies of sausages, ribs, bacon and pork sirloin. It is more visually appealing than its original creation. Feijoada is a similar cuisine to America’s “soul food”.


16 oz. Canned black beans

1 lb. bacon (cut into squares)

1 lb. smoked pork sausage (sliced thick)

1 lb. pork sirloin (cubed)

2 onions (diced)

4 garlic cloves (crushed or finely diced)

4 bay leaves

1/2 tsp. Salt

1 tbsp. black pepper

hot pepper sauce (optional)

4 tsp. light oil


Heat the beans in a pot along with the salt, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tsp. oil and the bay leaves.

In a separate pan add 2 tsp. Oil sautéing the onions with 2 cloves of garlic. Once the onions are clear drain the pan and reserve the onions.

Cook the bacon, sausage and sirloin in the same pan adding back the onions once meats are near completion.

Add meats and onions to the beans and cook an additional 10 minutes.

Add pepper sauce if desired, remove bay leaves and serve with rice.

Original Recipe from:
OUR Rating: Groceries expense a bit high due to 3 types of pork
Easy to make
4 out of 5
Would we make again? Yes. But we think we should try frying the bacon a bit first before adding the rest of the meat.