Brazil Night - Creme de abacate (Avocado Cream)

From original website: Most Americans are surprised when they see avocado cream in the dessert menu in Brazil. In this country, avocados are used in salads only. In Brazil, they become delicious ice creams and creamy desserts like this one. The fruit are also amazingly huge down there, so when I say large in the recipe I mean LARGE.

1 large avocado, peeled and pitted (We were lucky to find XL Avocados almost the size of papayas)
2 Tbsp fresh lime juice (I like mine on the tart side)
2-3 Tbsp sugar

Place all ingredients in a blender and puree. Serve in a stemmed glass; it looks beautiful and will impress your guests no end. You can also use a fork and mash the fruit with the lime juice, then add sugar to taste and serve it in little bowls. Decorate with a little sprig of mint.

Original Recipe from:
OUR Rating: Groceries expense very reasonable
Very Very Easy to make
4 out of 5
Would we make again? Yes. WE ended up using 2 XL avocados and filled 3 large martini glasses, it was a bit much and we would say the dessert should probably be a half of the martini glass we used. We also made fresh whip cream and added lime zest on the top.