placki kartoflane

See picture of Pork Roll-ups

Grate about 8 peeled potatoes and transfer to sieve to drip dry.
When drippings have settled, pour off clear liquid and add remaining sediment (starch) to grated potatoes.
To mixture add 2 eggs, 2 heaping Tablespoons flour, 1 Tablespoon grated onion, and 1 teaspoon salt. Add a pinch of freshly ground pepper if desired.
Mix into a uniform batter and spoon into hot lard or oil in skillet. Flatten each pancake gently with spatula, as they should be on the thin side.

Fry to a crisp golden brown on both sides and serve immediately. Some like their potato pancakes sprinkled with a little salt and topped with sour cream. Others prefer them sprinkled with just sugar or sugar and sour cream.

Original Recipe from: http://www.outernetweb.com/recipes/grandma/potato/potpank/potpank.html

OUR Rating:
Groceries expense reasonable
Easy to make.

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